Summer so far: salads, splash pads, and…

We’re almost to the halfway mark of our summer break from preschool. Which both feels like a miracle and a blur. Some days have…


We’re almost to the halfway mark of our summer break from preschool. Which both feels like a miracle and a blur. Some days have crawled on one episode of Paw Patrol at a time. But mostly, we’ve been soaking up the sunshine and playing outside, meeting friends for playdates at the park, and having adventure days near and far. And in between that, I’m trying to squeeze in a few hours here and there with completing projects for my part-time job.

How has your summer been so far? Any big adventures? Highs and lows? What have you been eating and drinking?

One of my favorite things to eat this summer has been some variation of the salad shown above. Our strawberry plants really showed off the whole month of June, gifting us the sweetest, deepest red berries you can imagine. We were picking about a pint a day. My kids are berry monsters, so most were grabbed by them out of the basket and eaten standing right over the patch. Of the ones that made it inside, some were tossed with lettuce from the backyard, whatever nuts that I had on hand, bacon, a cheese (usually blue or goat), a diced apple, apple cider vinegar, and a tiny sprinkle of this lemon zest salt.

Isn’t he a beaut? My son brought home some tiny sunflower plants from preschool months ago. They slowly, slowly grew in our backyard until suddenly one day, their blooms started opening. The cheerful yellow sunflowers make me smile every time I see them. My grandsunflowers!

How do you beat the heat? This article and the comments — always the best part! — has a lot of good ideas on how to keep cool. Is this my sign to finally order these linen pants (in olive) that I’ve been eying for a while?

This video makes me want to plant peonies all over our backyard.

Made me laugh.

My next craft project?

And a quote that I loved: “Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields...Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness.” by Mary Oliver.

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What’s new with you?

How are you? This month has somehow both zoomed by and plodded along in equal measure. Something really exciting happened earlier this month when…


How are you? This month has somehow both zoomed by and plodded along in equal measure. Something really exciting happened earlier this month when…

We took our first airplane ride with two children under the age of 4. And while there were certainly some moments of white knuckling and utter exhaustion and frustration, I think that overall the trip went much more smoothly than I had imagined. I did a lot of prep that I think helped, and I’ll try to write a post on it soon.

It was a lot of fun seeing my family and watching my children play with the same toys that I did as a kid at my Mammaw’s house. We had beautiful weather and lots of good company that made up for the lack of sleep!

Here are a few other things that have been on my mind lately, if you’d like to know:

We came home after our trip to discover that our refrigerator had broken. It was not quite the warm greeting we’d hoped for. After trying a few fixes, we went ahead and ordered a replacement. But that meant spending almost two weeks eating from the freezer and keeping our refrigerated items in a cooler. I’m so thankful to have our new fridge and to be getting back to some normalcy, including our weekly family movie night and Friday night pizza.

I recently finished You Could Make This Place Beautiful by Maggie Smith and I couldn’t read it fast enough, staying up late and waking up early to breeze through pages while my children were still sleeping. Some stories were so heart wrenching that they took my breath away, but I would say even so that it’s still a very hopeful book. I’ve put a few more of the author’s writings on hold through the library. | ThriftBooks link

Another great read that I recently finished is I’m Sorry I’m Late, I Didn’t Want to Come by Jessica Pan. As someone who is an extroverted introvert, I found a lot of the author’s antics relatable. It was an easy, pleasant read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. | ThriftBooks link

This one is for all of my busty pals: I think I’ve found my new breast friend. This bra is affordable, supportive, and — dare I say? — makes me feel kind of perky! I would recommend trying on in person if you can as I should be an XL according to the chart, but found that a L fit me best. I’m adding this item to cart so that I’ll be notified when it goes on sale and then I’ll stock up.

I enjoyed some solo time out of the house this morning and went to my favorite place: the library, of course. And I was dismayed when I arrived at my usual spot to find my favorite table missing. In its place was a seed library! My initial disappointment quickly turned into excitement as I took a peek at the seeds on offer. I wish I had known this last week before I bought seeds for our garden! Even so, I was able to find a different varieties of beets and chard. What a fun discovery! Public libraries truly are a gift.

I thought that this article was interesting.

This reel is eerily accurate. What’s the weather like where you’re at? Seen any blue birds lately?

Have a fantastic weekend!

Note: If you buy something through my links, I may earn an affiliate commission, at no cost to you. I recommend only products I genuinely like. Thank you so much.

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Advice for when you feel like you’re failing at motherhood

Can we talk about finding beauty in the mess of things for a second? We all know that the internet can be an awful place. But I’ve also found so many wonderful things there, too…


Can we talk about finding beauty in the mess of things for a second? We all know that the internet can be an awful place. But I’ve also found so many wonderful things there, too…

For one, my IRL mom friends. We met on a local Zoom parenting group when I was a first time mom. And these cute shoes that I just ordered. But I also love the community of friends that I’ve found on Instagram of all places. We don’t know each other in the sense that we can grab a coffee at our favorite shop and complain about the weather and lack of fences around local playgrounds for little kids — city planners: WHY?? — but so much of life is the same no matter where you live.

And part of that is finding a way to get through the day as a mom when you feel like you just cannot any more. One of my Instagram pals recently shared this wisdom when I asked about surviving that hour before dinner that I thought was particularly helpful, and I’d pass it along to you:

“I have to say, as a mom of four who is now through this phase, it’s just hard, but it will end… I was so drained by nap time, I needed a break! It was a hard time, and looking back I would have done some things differently, but I’m also thinking of those things with the capacity that I have that I didn’t have at the time. We’re all doing the best with what we know and have capacity for. Hang in there, momma! This too shall pass!”

Isn’t that the kindest? Here are a few other things that warmed my heart this week. In case you could use some perking up, too.

We borrowed a sweet book called Bear with Me from the library this week. And I couldn’t help but notice that the mom (above) is a total fox. Usually in children’s books, the mom looks tired and haggard and like she’s two seconds away from the smoke detector is going off because dinner is burnt.

This article about Edith Ceccarelli turning 116 years old was truly delightful. What a life worth celebrating!

I finished Demon Copperhead a few days ago, and I’m going to be chewing on this one for a while. The writing was something to behold. I was hooked from the first sentence! It was sad and truthful and uplifting somehow all at the same time. It made me want to check out more of Barbara Kingsolver’s books because it was a masterpiece. A few chapters were a little slower going for me, but still 10/10. No notes.

This home makeover has me rethinking neutrals and being so scared of a color beyond blue. Wall papered ceilings! Pink armchairs! Who am I even these days?

This made me laugh so hard. And got me to thinking what props would I use? Maybe my Kitchen Aid mixing bowl? haha

This week’s book recs from Instagram are: Bride, The Unbreakable Code, The Friendship Study, None of This is True, Iron Flame, The Body Keeps the Score, and America Fantastica.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Note: If you buy something through my links, I may earn an affiliate commission, at no cost to you. I recommend only products I genuinely like. Thank you so much.

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Five TV shows for couples

It’s the dreaded question that no coupled person wants to ask… or answer. What do you want to…

Popcorn and a television remote on a post about five tv shows for couples

It’s the dreaded question that no coupled person wants to ask… or answer. What do you want to watch tonight?

My husband and I don’t always see eye-to-eye when it comes to shows we want to binge. He tends to enjoy more action/crime shows and sci-fi. My tastes are comedies, reality television, or baking/home improvement shows.

But here are five couple-friendly television shows that we more than agree on — and actually enjoy together!

The Rings of Power + Lord of the Rings movies

We totally nerded out and watched The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power and then watched all of the movies in order. This was so much fun because we only watched them on weekend nights after the kids were asleep and we had yummy snacks and really made it an event. It would usually take us an entire weekend (sometimes two!) to make it through a movie.

Watch The Rings of Power on: Amazon

Life in Pieces

Perhaps it was because we watched this show in the sleep deprived early days with our first kid, but I have never laughed so hard during a show. I still cackle thinking about a few situations that happened — including the post delivery one in the trailer above. This show is delightfully funny and heartwarming.

Watch Life in Pieces on Hulu

This Old House

Is there anything more soothing or delightful than watching master craftspeople renovate beautiful old homes? We like to watch this show on relaxing weekend mornings. My husband always learns a new tidbit, and I just enjoy seeing the transformations. Plus, the accents are lovely.

Watch This Old House for free on Youtube and Roku

Jack Ryan

While this action series is a little bit more in my husband’s territory, it was a show that I actually enjoyed and looked forward to watching. I have to admit that Jim Halpert’s transformation to spy hottie threw me for a loop throughout the first season.

Watch Jack Ryan on Amazon

Escape to the Chateau

A family with two young children escape to France and buy an estate that needs some TLC. What could go wrong? This show is more up my alley, but has also captured my husband’s attention.

Watch Escape to the Chateau on Peacock

What are your favorite shows to watch as a couple?

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LIFE Beccah LIFE Beccah

Who are the characters in your neighborhood?

One of the funny things about living in a neighborhood is getting to know the comings and goings of the people who live around you. We’re fortunate enough to have great neighbors. It’s one of the things that makes me love…

One of the funny things about living in a neighborhood is getting to know the comings and goings of the people who live around you. We’re fortunate enough to have great neighbors. It’s one of the things that makes me love... READ MORE

One of the funny things about living in a neighborhood is getting to know the comings and goings of the people who live around you. We’re fortunate enough to have great neighbors. It’s one of the things that makes me love our home so much.

Ms. P, who lives catty-corner to us, is an absolute delight. Well north of 90 years old, she is full of wisdom and spice. She brings my children small presents for Christmas and Easter. She never calls us by our right names, but I’m not going to correct her when I know that if she’s talking about Rick… well, that’s my husband’s name now.

Our next-door neighbor, a kind retiree, pulls our trash cans in from the curb for us on garbage days and sends us hand-me-down toys from his grandkids. This summer, he gave us bags and bags of the juiciest tomatoes and delicious zucchini. His grandkids live around the corner and they took care of our pets when we were in the hospital to have our youngest.

I always chat with the couple who live the next street over while we’re out for walks. The husband volunteers at a food pantry and the wife always has a sea of beautiful purple flowers in bloom in front of their home. One day during a stroll, she asked if it was ok to give the kids cookies. When I said yes, she excitedly ran in and grabbed three homemade cookies from their freezer. My son asks me if we can have more every time we walk past their home.

We live in a very simple suburban neighborhood. Perhaps, it’s like your own. And it’s filled to the brim with the most delightful characters. How about yours?

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Hi, I’m Beccah

Hi, I’m Beccah. A mom of two young kids living in the Pacific Northwest with my husband and our wacky pup named Barkley. I blog here and connect with other moms on my Instagram page.

Hi, I’m Beccah! A mom of young kids living in the Pacific Northwest with my husband and our wacky pup named Barkley. I blog here and connect with other moms on my Instagram page.

What is an ordinary moment in your life that you never take for granted?

My kids are young right now, 1 and nearly 3, and they love each other so hard but they also really adore fighting. It makes my day when we’re driving in the car and they just start giggling together. At what, I’ll never know. They both have great senses of humor, and can make each other laugh harder than anyone else.

Also, my son calls roosters cockadoos right now and I hope he never stops.

What is the kindest thing that someone has done for you?

I took my kids to my niece’s dance recital for one of my first solo outings after my daughter was born. I was supposed to have help getting on the shuttle bus there, but wires got crossed with my parents who were in town. I found myself alone and overwhelmed in the parking lot. I needed to get my oldest into his nicer outfit and my newborn in the carrier. And then it started pouring down rain. That’s when the shuttle volunteer walked over with a huge umbrella and kept my kids dry while I got them out of the car and to the pickup point. All the while, she told me about how she also had older kids who were really close in age and she remembered how hard it was when they were little. It was exactly what I needed to hear in that moment. When I arrived at the arts center, a volunteer was there waiting with a dry shirt for me because she had radioed ahead. It still makes me quite emotional, really, just thinking about the amount of kindness this stranger showed me during a very vulnerable time.

What is the best part of the stage of life that you’re in?

Oh gosh. My son is really coming into his own right now. He loves “reading” us books by telling us what’s happening in the pictures and it makes me feel so proud. My daughter started walking about 6 weeks ago and it’s been amazing watching her just sprint everywhere. I could see her working so hard and the step-by-step process of learning to walk was even more exciting to see the second time around. It’s inspirational, really, to see the determination and hard work that they put in to reach these milestones.

I’m also in the slow slide to 40, and I have to say that I’m actually really excited about it. I feel like I’m learning so much about myself and what I want from life. I am thankful to grow older.

The hardest?

I think it’s partly not getting enough rest. Sometimes of my children’s doing and sometimes mine of staying up too late, probably watching The Great British Bakeoff or Mindy Project (again).

And then also just trying to be patient. Toddlers are no joke. They have so many big feelings.

What is the best thing under $100 that you’ve purchased that has made a positive impact on your life?

I’ve been stealing the travel coffee mug I bought for my husband. When I saw that they were on sale at the store, I went ahead and bought my own. But in a different color so that my husband won’t steal mine. Marriage, right? It’s the perfect size mug. I can put a cup of hot coffee in there or ice some down and take it with me. It’s also dishwasher safe, which is nice because most coffee mugs are hand wash only and I try to put everything into the dishwasher that I possibly can. I’ve found that I can make a really good cup of coffee at home and I almost always prefer it to something that I can get out.

Who is a woman that you admire and why?

My Aunt Nina is really just the best. She loves nothing more than to help others in our family. She would do anything for anyone. But make no mistake: she’s not a doormat. I love how when you go to her home, it’s your home.

What is a small thing that you could do today to improve your life?

I really need to just put on my darn shoes and go for a walk. It’s really that simple. I can always tell the difference in my mood when I get some fresh air and exercise.

What is something that you can’t shut up about?

I just really can’t overstate the importance of good mom friends. I am so fortunate to have a really good group of people in my life, both locally and friends from earlier stages in my life who happened to become moms. One of my college best friends gave me some really helpful potty training tips today. My local mom friends have rallied for me so hard in so many ways since I met them at an online Zoom parenting class in 2020.

I think that meeting friends as an adult can be kind of hard, but everyone wants to meet a good MILF (mom I’d like to friend). Make some small talk at the playground. Introduce yourself. Ask for a phone number. It really just takes like 30 seconds of bravery to make a friend if there’s a connection there.

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